Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New thing i learnt

The thrill of driving for every teenager is an overwhelming feeling. It is one of the first instances in one's life, that a teen can actually feel the responsibility and even the freedom of a free world. And we tend to cherish these early thrills.But it is this very affinity to gaining responsibility that dies out very soon, only to be replaced by more risky and careless decision making. It is very very easy for one to lose their reasoning abilities in the height of the moment, only to be overcome by their emotions and consequently committing acts which, otherwise, they wouldnt even think of doing. Crossing the speed limit and not obeying traffic rules is very common for every teenager but few realize the consequences of their actions. Teenage reflexes are not sharp enough to react whilst in a speeding vehicle. Such behavior may lead to fatal injuries, accidents and even death all at the cost of a few minutes pleasure.
The past week made me realize how driving, in spite of being fun is indeed quite dangerous. This weekend I went for a drive with a few of my friends. None of us were of legal age or even possessed a license. This was not the first time; we go for drives pretty often. Driving past the speed limit was a thrilling experience. But at a turning I banged the car into the divider. Luckily everyone escaped without a scratch but the impact of this minor accident will probably stay on my mind forever. The damage could have been a lot more. A human being may lose their life because of reckless driving. They may be injured to a great extent or scarred for eternity.
This was probably one of the most fatal experiences that I have been through. Yesterday an accident took place on the Bandra – Worli sea link. The driver was experienced and still lost control of the vehicle. This mistake cost two innocent people their lives. Seeing a person’s life taken away because of disobeying traffic rules made me realize how important it is to keep one's cool and not get carried away by situations. I remember the graphic which we once saw in our TOK class, with two caricatures - Emotion and Reason in a car. The graphic stressed the importance of Reason being in the drivers seat instead of emotion to prevent disastrous consequences. This graphic, incidentally applies quite literally to this scenario! On a personal front, driving is fun. The instant of applying the clutch, changing the gear and then shooting on the gas pedal results in the booming of my adrenaline levels. I know its not legal and i know it can lead to serious consequences. But i have, whenever i touch the wheel, always and always tried to make it a priority to respect everyone around me. I know that one moment of madness could result in a lifetime of grief or probably no lifetime at all. And when viewing it in retrospective, I cannot over stress the importance of safe driving -for everyone.